Tuesday, May 31, 2011

what can we do?

really NOTHING!!!! have a nice day

Monday, May 30, 2011

Lest we forget!

holiday from all funny biz OK

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011

lighten-up dummy

since this is the holiday weekend things will be very light. all praise Obummer. the end

Friday, May 27, 2011

Good News!!!!!

for the three people who read this, good news it appears that the left wing liberal media has chosen the biggers looser to run against Obummer in 2012. READY "RICK SANTORIUM" number two biggest looser will be "Knute Gangerine of Georiga" really is there anyone stupid enough to beleive "Palin will subject herself to loosing to Obummer in 12 she will wait till 2016 when (if any country left) she can run against the newest Democrat. ok please do not miss tomorrow (SAT) I will explain "WELFARE" do not miss this.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

All hope is gone!!!

How will it end? how will we know the end is here? Trick Question's the end is now NY-26 signaled the end. we Repub's conservitaves have been beaten why? it is our EXTREME views our EXTREME policies that done us in. sorry! The left democrats will take care of all of us no problem, just borrow more money, TAX the rich, tax the not-so-rich it cam go on forever right more later!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

NY-26 THE END!!!!!

Sorry folks if there is one thing I learned in my 70+ years is whem to quit and when you are beaten. well last night good people NY-26 proved it is over, we WILL lose the house and not win the senate and guarenteed Obummer will get 4 more yearss. not happy but there it is must give in to reality. the democrats have found a way to win, win, win, just push grandma off the cliff in her wheelchair, voila, wallah, they win NY-26. it helped to have a lameo loser TEA man in there to suck off enough votes. I always give credit where credit is due the only question left in my feeble mind is who the left wing media will choose as the REPUBLICAN looser (like 2008) my guess is the biggest looser is PALIN S ok well life goes on please do not be sad we MUST go broke first then will recover.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What are you looking at????

how many more taxpayer $ will be spent today on ETHANOL fisaco lots

Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday, Monday

how cute can one be. nothing much to report on today. ETHENOL ETHONELL wow just made my day we , today wasted 1 Billion $ on Ethanol money well spent. tomorrow the Iowa scum will grab another 1 Billion $ of our $ have a nice day.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday, Sunday

nothing much to report on today. Sure love watching the liberals on the news shows they NEVER answer a question but we vote for them why ???? we get all we can get and then more more never enough, more money, more money, country is broke!! I do not care give me more free money high speed rail free medical care more more i am tooo old to worry about paying for it. so give me more

Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday the 20th of May wooppeee

Sorry not to much to report today, except the world ending tomorrow not sure about this will check later if there is a later. we believe December 21 2012 is when the world really ends we booked a cruise so we can go in style

Thursday, May 19, 2011


the word and the thought for the day is HONESTY, just think (difficult for most) if we had complete honesty in all areas of our lives how much better we all would be. examples,you ask ok 1. you ask a congressman or senator WHY bo you support ETHANOL his answer would be they contribute many dollars to my campaign. I do not care that is a big waste of taxpayers money getting re-elected is the most important thing. ok you fill in the rest.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Thank you JESUS

I am sure most (sane) people did not think to thank Jesus for not comming back

during the media excitement of the Arnold Swarheziggenerhager fiasco.

so I will Thank you Jesus I am sure your 2nd comming would not be noticed

due to Arnold S later when all cools off welcome

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

back in the land of the ********

Hi all today will be short and sweet. getting ready to go camping, but so worried about

Arnold Swartebhazzier wow what will I do?? get a life folks!! see post from Oct 2010


Monday, May 16, 2011

back from the ******

back to trying to help people as everyone knows I am a very smart man. so listen up
would you please stop talking about the DEBT the debt means nothing it is the DEFICIT
that matters spend less than you take in and all is well. the debt will go away THINK
(I know this is hard for most) we all have debt it goes away. last time i post this