Sorry folks if there is one thing I learned in my 70+ years is whem to quit and when you are beaten. well last night good people NY-26 proved it is over, we WILL lose the house and not win the senate and guarenteed Obummer will get 4 more yearss. not happy but there it is must give in to reality. the democrats have found a way to win, win, win, just push grandma off the cliff in her wheelchair, voila, wallah, they win NY-26. it helped to have a lameo loser TEA man in there to suck off enough votes. I always give credit where credit is due the only question left in my feeble mind is who the left wing media will choose as the REPUBLICAN looser (like 2008) my guess is the biggest looser is PALIN S ok well life goes on please do not be sad we MUST go broke first then will recover.